High-Flying Desires Accomplish Down-to-Earth Goals

Darby Worth lives life in the fast lane. This whirlwind thrives on learning and a tireless quest for peace. It's no surprise that "half way" is not part of her vocabulary.

Her first career, after World War II, was as an airline hostess for Trans World Airlines (TWA), then Colonial Airlines (later Eastern Airlines). It was an exciting time in aviation-the general public was starting to fly commercially, the airline industry kept growing-the sky was the limit!

Her second career was as an elementary school teacher. Teaching was a special joy for her, and the fourth grade a particular favorite.


Deep feelings about racial issues surfaced during Darby's teenage years. The 1960's found her participating in the anti-war movement in San Francisco. She had her late husband, Stanley J. Worth, an aviation engineer, made a formidable pair. More recently, Darby took part in the April 2000 World Trade Organization protests in Washington, D.C.

"Stanley and I shared a concern for the environment," Darby says. "One of our successes in this part of California was preventing a freeway from being built on the outskirts of Carmel."

Now that she's retired, Darby is even more active in the peace movement and in the Green Party. Her intense interest in social justice and corporate responsibility prompted her statement, "My mission in life now is to abolish corporate personhood."


A member of Greenpeace since 1986, Darby values Greenpeace because it takes action on issues important to her. In addition to her current gifts, she has made provisions that assure her future support.

"Greenpeace has been in my will for a long time," she says. "I admire its bravery and it's work. It's action oriented, not just all talk."

Last year Darby underscored her commitment to Greenpeace by establishing a charitable gift annuity. While she appreciates the tax and income benefits from this gift, the most important benefit she receives is knowing that Greenpeace can continue its global work toward a green and peaceful future.